Friday, May 29, 2009

We Are Aware of AIDS

We chose the evolution of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and the way it affected American life for our project. This was because it is a topic that the textbook does not cover in depth, and one that we felt is important. It is not some movement that happened in the Seventies or Eighties and has since died out, but rather it has become a global problem that we still face today. We chose the items we did because we could get our hands on them, and because they all relate to AIDS somehow. Most concern the treatment and spread of the disease, and as such it is medical tools and such. We found our items by scrounging around the house and asking our parents what kind of things we had that could possibly relate to AIDS, which actually worked pretty well. However, all of our movies were printed from the Internet, because it seems that nobody keeps their old VHS tapes anymore. As to what we would do differently, it would definitely be to start looking for the items earlier. The deadline creeps up on you. For next year's class, I would advise that they be prepared for the deadlines.

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