Friday, May 29, 2009

Found Art Project

For the found art project, my group chose to use AIDS as a central theme. We wanted to show how the epidemic impacted culture during that time and what it was about.We felt this was an important topic because it is still something present in our lives today world wide. Our group explored the different aspects of pop culture that was affected such as movies, shows, plays, celebrities, etc and also looked in to medical aspects of AIDS. The items we used were chosen based on what we had at home and what we could easily find. Most of the items related to either the medical side of the epidemic, or the culture side of it and how it was grasping peoples attention and making them more aware. For example, we chose to use a pill box as one of our objects, because people with AIDS have a very complicated schedule for the medications they have to take so we believed this was the best way to represent that. A lot of our other objects were movie covers that had AIDS as a central theme, however since we did not have the actual movies we used pictures to cover actual VHS boxes. We obtained these items from home, friends and the internet. We had to parents and family members for certain objects, or make them somehow.
If I were to do this project again, I would start gathering items much earlier, and I would take more time to think about what items I already own at home that would fit a certain theme before actually choosing it because getting the items together was most difficult for our group. For incoming students that will do this project, my advice would be to make sure you are ready for each deadline and you have everything planned out. Delegate jobs or certain objects for each person to stay organized and start looking for the objects right away. Also, make sure you work well with the people you are with and that everyone will pull their weight, and have fun with it! Good luck!


  1. This topic is very unique. I saw your box and it looks really good. I am very impress with the items you found. Nice job!

  2. The pill box was a good way to communicate your idea.
