Wednesday, April 8, 2009

McCarthy's Journeys of Anti-Communism (Witch Hunts)

Following World War II, United States became a nation that feared communism. This fear became so ingrained in the people of the U.S., that they began to turn to desperate measures just for their safety.

Republican Senator, Joseph McCarthy was known to be the most anti-Communist activist of his time. He supported the ideas of McCarthyism, which were attacks on suspected communists. He falsely stated that he had names of 57, 81, and 205 communists in the State Department. The Republicans did nothing to stop McCarthy, because they wanted him to win in the elections of 1952. McCarthy was smart to keep his accusations in the senate, so as to avoid slander or being sued. Later, in 1954, McCarthy accused the United States Army of believing in communist ideals. This sparked a massive senate investigation. He lost most of his previous support and he was condemned for "improper conduct" by dishonoring the senate. Only three years later, McCarthy, suffering from alcoholism, died alone.

Though McCarthy was no longer the anti-communist's focused leader, many supporters continued to fight for his ideas. By 1953, 39 states made it illegal to support the overthrow of government. This law allows theses states to avoid future violent protests by resisting people.

By: Shelly and Tierney


  1. A very unknown person (to me!) speaking that communist is bad, yet he takes his way to a different level.

  2. Good Job!! You guys had really good information and I like your picture.

  3. McCarthy looks sort of worried in that picture. I glad you chose this one over that "oh, I definitely know what I'm talking about" picture that is really famous and everyone uses.

    It is INSANE how much people are willing to believe when they need scapegoats and fear something (like Communism) so intensly. I mean, how did that guy get away with suspecting innocent people of being Communist??? >___>

  4. Good job formatting, it made reading alot easier.

  5. great job!! You guys presented lots of interestics facts like the 57, 81, and 205 communists in the state department. Nice picture as well (Greg and I used the same one)!!!!!!!!

  6. Great article overall. The information is good and presented in a clear, succinct way. Great job!
